Power Out 2007

Who's behind the blackout?

Residents of the City of Corunna lost power on Christmas Day, 2007, for nearly six hours!  With dinner in the oven and a dozen or so dinner guests on the way, some had a very stressful holiday.  

Consumers Energy work crews arrived on the scene shortly after the culprit responsible was apprehended.

Corunna Cooks Up Some Squirrel For Christmas!

Corunna's Christmas Squirrel Scrooge, with a nut in his mouth,  was taken down by his own demise.

City officials determined to make him a harsh example out of him...

Death by electrocution!

And you think your Christmas dinner was stressful?

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Squirrel found in power grid
Electrician working on a power grid