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Street Signs

Street Identification Signs Announcement:  July 2005


Old Sign

  As some of you may have noticed, many of our street signs have outlived themselves. Some have more rust exposed than they have painted!  In the past, street signs were considered a General Fund expenditure. The cost of street signs has gone up and up, while our General Fund revenues have not.

New Sign

Some street identification signs are difficult to read. Recognizing the importance to our community image of getting our rusted-out and/or bent-tattered street signs replaced, three changes are underway in the city's 2005/2006 budget. 

First, the Replacement of street identification signs will now be funded through either the Local Street Fund or the Major Street Fund, opposed to the General Fund.

Second; Rather than purchasing custom stamped signs, we have made a one-time investment in a stencil kit and will be purchasing sign blanks and letters. The cost of blanks and letters is approximately half that of the cost of custom stamped signs. Department of Public Works personnel will be making our own signs, as does the Shiawassee County Road Commission. This new activity will also help keep our workforce occupied during those idle times sometimes created by weather, appointment, and scheduling issues.

Third; When practical, signs will be mounted to the top of Stop Signs as opposed to being placed on their own separate posts. This will not only save on the expense of purchasing and setting posts but also give landowners one less thing to mow around!

Wood Sign

Check This Out!

We found an old wood sign!!

Does anyone have an idea of how old this sign maybe? 
Please send us any information you may have!